Torben Christensen

Torben Christensen

Professor, Lund University (Lund, Sweden)

November 5, 2008

Torben R. Christensen is a Biogeochemist specializing in ecosystem-atmosphere exchanges in sub-Arctic and Arctic ecosystems. He is holding a PhD (1994) from University of Cambridge, England, and is currently Professor based at the GeoBiosphere Science Centre at Lund University, Sweden. TRC has worked for 16 years on research relating to climate/ecosystem interactions in the Arctic. His special research focus is on carbon dioxide and in particular methane exchanges between northern terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. He has first and co-authored 60+ peer reviewed international research articles on these issues.

Currently also part-time Professor at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through the Abisko Scientific Research Station. National and international assignments: Associate Editor of Biogeochemistry and EGU journal Biogeosciences; Member of European Commission Expert Panel on Carbon Sinks; contributing author in the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) chapter on terrestrial ecosystems; contributing author on two chapters of the Millenium Assessment; contributing author on the Fourth Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change chapter on Polar Regions; member of the Editorial Board for the Encyclopedia of the Arctic; Scientific Advisory Board member for Northern Studies at Oulu University, Finland 2003 to 2009. Member of Scientific Board on the Basic Ecological Research and Monitoring Programme at Zackenberg Research Station, NE Greenland; Co-Chairman of the Swedish National Committee for IGBP and WCRP; Co-Chairman of the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning II Working Group 8 on Terrestrial Biosphere and Biodiversity.

Role: Panel Member
Report: Vision for Canadian Arctic Research Initiative: Assessing the Opportunities (November 2008)
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