Sabina Leonelli

Sabina Leonelli

Professor of Philosophy and History of Science and Director of Egenis, University of Exeter (Exeter, United Kingdom); Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany)

May 25, 2021

Sabina Leonelli is a Professor in Philosophy and History of Science at the University of Exeter, where she co-directs the Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis). She gained her PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, following a M.Sc. in history and philosophy of science at the London School of Economics and a B.Sc. (hons) in history, philosophy and social studies of science at University College London.

Professor Leonelli’s research focuses on the methods and assumptions involved in the use of big data for discovery; the challenges involved in the extraction of knowledge from digital infrastructures, and the implications of choices in data curation for the outputs and uses of science and technology; the role of the open science movement within current landscapes of knowledge production, including concerns around inequality; and the status and history of experimental organisms as scientific models and data sources. Professir Leonelli is published widely in a variety of disciplines, including philosophy, history, social studies of science, data science and biology; and is active in science policy, particularly as adviser on Open Science implementation for the European Commission and the steering boards of various research data infrastructures.

Role: Panel Member
Report: AI for Science and Engineering
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